Virtual Home Improvement Advice

Are you not sure what the next step is in your home improvement project?

Look no further! Your super hero is here!

Virtual FaceTime or Zoom Visits

Want a handyman friend? Here is your pal!! Mr. Screw-It is your new friend with helpful advice that is entirely in your corner. Since he does not complete any work for you and is not trying to refer you to others, you can be sure the advice is in your best interest. And because the advice is delievered over video call, it is affordable, pandemic safe, and can be conveniently done on your schedule.


General Advice

Have a general question about home improvement or maintenance? Tim's background of house carpentry, cabinet making, commerical construction, project management, and numerous home projects has the answer for you! He is more than willing to talk to you about your specific question and any other topics that come up.

carpenters cutting wood on saw

Do-It-Yourself Guidance

picture of hand tools

During this pandemic is the perfect time for do-it-yourself projects! With less travel and social commitments, you can make some serious improvements to your home, learn a new skill, create, and have fun in the process!

On the unplanned side of life, if a small problem or failure has occurred in your house, now may be the time you'd like to fix it yourself instead of having a handyman visit. With a little guidance and a few pointers, you are likely capable of fixing the issue yourself!

Rough Estimates

Have a major project coming up on your house and want to budget? Or would you like to know that the estimate you received is within reason? While Mr. Screw-it does not perform any work himself, he can give you a sense of fair prices for typical repairs.

10 key old scool calculator

Project Scoping

drawing out construction plans with scale

Are you planning a simple project to redo your kitchen but unfamiliar with some unknown complications that could arise? Do you understand each of the steps of your project? Tim can help you organize your project plan, design, and budget to help make sure you have accounted for all possibilities.

Project Ideas

If you want a project or need ideas on fixing up a room or tearing down a wall to create an open space... Tim is perfect to discuss possibilities with! He will help you brainstorm ways to make your house the best!

blank notebook and pen